If you have invested considerable time, money and resources to help your client meet project goals – and were not adequately compensated – Venerus Advisory Partners can advise you on next steps. Our team will evaluate your situation and help you skillfully develop a convincing claim for full and fair compensation.
If a company you hired to do work on your project did not meet your performance requirements as outlined in your contract, you may decide you are in a position to halt or limit payment. Venerus Advisory Partners will help you establish an evidence-based case to support your action, with a focus on protecting the profitability of the project and your reputation as its manager.
While claims arise from events that occur during the execution phase of a project, the real problem often begins in the procurement and contract phases. Leveraging Venerus Advisory Partners expertise in procurement and contracting advisory at the preliminary stages can help to prevent issues that can lead to a claim as the project progresses.
You can have the best working relationship in the world. Yet if a claim situation arises, that relationship can be jeopardized if it is not properly managed. Our relationship-based, collaboration approach to negotiation and dispute resolution provides a fair and equitable solution that allows you to get past the rocky patches, and continue a strong and mutually profitable partnership.
Our team will evaluate your situation and help you skillfully develop a convincing claim for full and fair compensation.
Claims management activities can be intensive and stressful. By taking on responsibility for all claims management activities, a Venerus Advisor helps key personnel avoid distractions – and frees them to keep the project moving forward.
“Given (its) unique skills and experience, (VAP) added substantially greater value beyond anything that I’ve experienced in the contracting/procurement process in the past. You helped us hire the right people for internal jobs, and assisted us in building a strong procurement organization with the support, training, mentoring, and intelligent changes that you brought us. I am extremely pleased with our new internal group”
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